icom Router Management (Cloud Edition)

icom Router Management (Cloud Edition) Release Notes

update: Version 2024.10.3

What's New

Stay Informed About License Expirations!

With this release, you will now receive automatic email notifications when your licenses are about to expire. Starting 30 days before expiration, you’ll get a weekly reminder to ensure you have enough time to renew your licenses without interruptions.

To enhance clarity in the licensing process, we have also corrected the timestamps on the license configuration pages, ensuring they reflect your personal time settings accurately.

Additionally, users can now access a publicly available Data Privacy page. This page provides detailed insights into how we securely process and handle your personal data while complying with current data protection regulations.

update: Version 2024.10.2

What's New

We are exited to introduce the all-new Advanced Smart Update * feature!

If you have used our Smart Update functionality before, you may have noticed that icom OS firmware updates were always scheduled at a fixed time — 1 AM UTC.

With this release of icom Router Management, you now have the flexibility to customize firmware update schedules to suit your unique needs. Here is what’s new:

  • Customizable Update Times:

    • Override the default 1 AM UTC schedule and choose update times that align with your specific requirements.
    • Set individual update times for groups of routers, ideal for operations across different regions or countries. Avoid disruptions during production hours by tailoring update schedules to local needs.
  • Easy Setup:

    • Configuring update times is intuitive — simply select your preferred hour and the router’s time zone, save your settings, and you're all set!
  • Default Smart Update Activation:

    • Smart Update can now be enabled by default. Every new router added to your inventory will automatically have Smart Update activated, saving you time and effort.

With Advanced Smart Update, managing your routers has never been smarter or more convenient. Stay in control, minimize downtime, and streamline your operations like never before!

* Advanced Smart Update requires a Basic license and is not included in our free offering


We have completely redesigned the process for customizing your router table settings to align with our latest design guidelines. The new interface eliminates confusion by replacing ambiguous icons with clear options. Now, simply make your changes and click the Save button to apply them effortlessly.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed deleted custom fields from the router table overview, ensuring a cleaner and more accurate display.
  • Resolved an issue in the dashboard’s recent activities section where the audit log timestamp was incorrectly displayed as "Invalid time." It now shows the correct timestamp.


update: Version 2024.10.1

This major update includes all changes of our latest on-premises edition of icom Router Management release 2024.10.0 with required customizations for the cloud. See also: On-Premises Release Notes 2024.10.0

Highlights for cloud users

  • Heavily increased performance for large router lists, including searching and filtering
  • Table views with pagination for a more intuitive user experience
  • Search field does not block the application if a query takes significant time
  • Selected routers aren't unselected during pagination, searching or filtering of the router list
  • The current number of selected routers is always visible and an action can be executed over those routers at any time

Technical highlights

  • Major upgrade of the UI framework including latest security updates
  • Heavily refactored update service used by the update job mechanism


bugfix: Version 2024.07.1a

With release 2024.07.1 update jobs took at least 5 minutes to get finished, although the routers already installed the update successful. This hotfix release solves the problem.

update: Version 2024.07.1

This release enhances the navigation with the new menu Inventory -> Router-Groups. Beginning with this update you can manage your router groups and move routers from one group to another.

Backend and frontend include the latest security patches and improvements from our on-premises product version 2024.07.0. See icom Router Management Server and Data-Center release notes.

  • Router Groups: Organize, modify and delete router groups. Migrate routers from one group to another.

  • Security: This release includes latest security updates.

  • UI: Improved data fetching for faster responses within the UI.

  • Administration Area: Improved administration dialogs and views.

  • WebSocket: After successful router connection backend started multiple processes to fetch firmware and hardware information. This leads to multiple log messages on the router and invalid responses.

  • Router Location: Longitude and latitude partially swapped and leads to wrong locations in the maps.

  • Not Found Pages: Under special circumstances invalid data was shown instead of a not found page.

feature: Version 2023.02.2 Cloud

With this release we introduce our new feature Smart Update, which updates routers automatically to the latest available firmware. Visit Updating a Router Using Smart Updates for detailed information.

  If the column Smart Update is not shown in the router table, add the column by changing your table settings (Action Button -> Table Settings).

Other significant changes belonging the user interface. The release includes a redesigned and unified table view for several menus. Each table view is now sortable, searchable and filterable the same way. Depending on the row selection the new introduced Action Button, in the upper right corner, contains the related operations instead of an appearing and disappearing side pane.

  • Smart Update

    Activate Smart Update on individual routers and icom Router Management ensures that these routers always run the latest icom OS firmware. Whenever a router detects a version difference to the latest available firmware, an automatic update is scheduled daily at 1:00 AM UTC. When a new firmware is released, the update is delayed for 7 days, so that you have enough time to check the firmware or stop the update. You receive a notification for every new release.
    Routers with Smart Update not active are not updated.

    Smart Update history
    This is how you can view the history of all updates for a selected device:
    Image Smart Update history

  • Beginning from icom OS 5.5 the exact router model is displayed.

  • Changed to a more reliable and faster method to fetch device informations after the router is connected to icom Router Management.

  • Automatic router list refresh, if the router connection state or firmware version has changed.

  • Unified table views with common sort, filter and search functions.

  • Action Button replaces the details side pane, which was located on the right side of the table.

  • Main navigation drawer has open sub menus by default.

  • View and copy the MD5 checksum for update packets and files. 

feature: Version 2022.09.3 Cloud

This release is only available in our cloud offering. It's main purpose is software maintenance work and software  improvements. 

  • Download archived audit logs

  • New licenses with a start date in the future changed your currently active licenses

feature: Version 2022.09.2 Cloud

This release is only available in our cloud offering. It includes many improvements in the management of your licenses. 

  • Current license tier-level is displayed on top of the license management page

  • Overall licensed devices is displayed on top of the license management page

  • Installed licenses are grouped by state

  • Update jobs including a firmware update finished always successful, as soon as the router received the request to process the update. Beginning with this release the router management software tracks the progress of the firmware update and waits until the router reports his new firmware version.

  • Issues with table views during refresh

feature: Version 2022.09.1

icom Router Management version 2022.09.1 is only available in our cloud offering. With this version we introduce a new enhanced trial license. Please talk to your sales representative.

feature: Version 2022.09.0 for On-Premises & Cloud

This release is a major update of our cloud and on-premises offering. The on-premises release includes now all feature of the cloud version. 

For our on-premises customers we introduced the new feature Auto-Update-Server. This feature is only available for the on-premises customers.

Instead of configuring and running individual Update-Jobs you can setup an Auto-Update-Server. Your routers will receive in regular intervals (configured by the customer) new updates from the router management application. You can choose between an Update-Paket or an update based on a CLI-template. 

  • New Menu Updates -> Auto-Update-Server

  • Configure an Auto-Update-Server

  • Download Auto-Update-Server configuration for your routers

  • Update-Jobs failed on routers occasionally, even if their state was online.

  • Issues with the new free license.